Free Online Word Counter Tool

Instantly count words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs in your text. Perfect for essays, blog posts, social media content, and more!

Text Statistics

Words: 0
Characters (with spaces): 0
Characters (without spaces): 0
Sentences: 0
Paragraphs: 0

How to Use Our Word Counter Tool

  1. Enter or paste your text in the text area above.
  2. View real-time statistics for words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs.
  3. Copy the stats with a single click for your reference.
  4. Clear the text when you're ready to start fresh.

All calculations happen instantly as you type, with no need to press any buttons!

Why Use Our Word Counter?

For Writers & Bloggers

Keep track of your word count for articles, blog posts, and social media content to ensure you meet your targets.

For Students

Make sure your essays and assignments meet required word counts for school or university submissions.

For Professionals

Create concise emails, reports, and presentations by monitoring your text statistics in real-time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our word counter tool works by analyzing your text in real-time. It counts words by identifying strings of characters separated by spaces. For character counts, it tallies every character with and without spaces. Sentences are identified by periods, question marks, and exclamation points, while paragraphs are recognized by line breaks.

No, your text is never saved or stored on our servers. All counting and analysis happens directly in your browser, ensuring complete privacy and security of your content.

Yes! Our word counter tool works for any type of text: essays, articles, blog posts, social media content, emails, reports, fiction, poetry, and more. It's versatile and accurate regardless of your content type.